Miyerkules, Hulyo 26, 2017

#4 1. Given the available media that we now have in the world, what are its roles and functions in a democratic society? 2. In what way does media affect your life (personal, professional, academic, social, others)? 

1.The Role of Media
Media plays a crucial role in shaping a healthy democracy. It is the backbone of a democracy. Media makes us aware of various social, political and economical activities happening around the world. It is like a mirror, which shows us or strives to show us the bare truth and harsh realities of life.

2. Personal - media affect in personal life by easily communicate with other people.
    Professional - we can use media by finding a job easily.
    academic - media can help us in our academic by knowing or searching those things that                        we don't know.

   What Format/Equipment did people use to communicate with each other
 What Format/Equipment did people use to  store information
 What Format/Equipment did people use to share or broadcast information
 Pre-Industrial Age
In Pre-Industrial age they use signs or symbols to communicate  with each other. Example are they burn or make fire.
They store information by using traditional paper and other writing materials.
They share or broadcast information by making a letter or information in a papyrus material.
 Industrial Age
In Industrial age they use Telegraph or typewriter to communicate each other.
 printing press and news papers
uses a newspapers to share and inform people.
 Electronic Age 
In Electronic age they uses transistor Radio, television and other electronic device.
 computers, television and radio
in this age it is more easier to share information by broadcasting in the television.
 Information Age
In Information age they uses Web browser, blogs, Social networks and microblogs.
 Mobile phones and social medias
posting and sharing informations in social media.

Lunes, Hulyo 17, 2017

Weekly Interaction log with information providers

 Media and Information provider
 No. of Hours in a week
1. Facebook

1. Which Media provider did you spend mort time?
Answer: Facebook

2. What roles do these media play in your life?
(learning nation, technology literacy, leisure, communication)
Answer: communication

Article: Football is Life

"Football is not just a game its my life and my Passion" Hi I'm Frema  I started playing football at the age of 13, being a football player is not that easy, some students or people says to me why I am playing this kind of game. That only boys can do this and play this. And then I tell them why am I playing football, I said to them that football makes me happy it is my buddy when I'm sad or I have a problems. It is my happiness, my second home, and my teammates is my second family, Being in training when there is upcoming game is not easy, its hard but this is my happiness, so i must do what our coach said, so even though its tired a lot  I must do this  because this is what's I like. And when you play this game you must have the heart to play with dignity and respect, you must follow the rules of the game, so even though I am a girl, but i can do and i can play this game.