Lunes, Hulyo 17, 2017

Article: Football is Life

"Football is not just a game its my life and my Passion" Hi I'm Frema  I started playing football at the age of 13, being a football player is not that easy, some students or people says to me why I am playing this kind of game. That only boys can do this and play this. And then I tell them why am I playing football, I said to them that football makes me happy it is my buddy when I'm sad or I have a problems. It is my happiness, my second home, and my teammates is my second family, Being in training when there is upcoming game is not easy, its hard but this is my happiness, so i must do what our coach said, so even though its tired a lot  I must do this  because this is what's I like. And when you play this game you must have the heart to play with dignity and respect, you must follow the rules of the game, so even though I am a girl, but i can do and i can play this game.

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